
What is Ceramophiliac?


One who is arroused by the tactile sensation of buildings/statues (more than the average person is i mean).

Damn Dave, get ur dick OUT of that wall you stupid ceramophiliac!!! Dont u know its load bearing???

See architect, bricklayer


One who is arroused by the tactile sensation of buildings/statues on their genitals (more arroused than the average person is by ceramic-like structures i mean).

Fuckity McFucky Fuck Dave!! Get ur dick OUT of that wall you stupid ceramophiliac!!! Its a load bearing wall damnit or it will be when ur finished with it!!

See architect


One who is arroused by the tactile sensation of buildings/statues on their genitals (more than the average person is i mean).

Damn Dave, get ur dick OUT of that wall you stupid ceramophiliac!!! Dont u know its load bearing???

See architect


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