What is Cern?
CERN is the "Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire", or "European Organization for Nuclear Research".
CERN, located on the France-Swiss border, near Geneva, It is the world's largest research centre for particle physics.
CERN's efforts are now primarily focused on the construction and completion of the
Using the LHC (to be completed in 2007) CERN hopes to set and study conditions very close to those shortly after the
Numerous CERN physicist have been awarded Nobel Prizes, and CERN is reconized as the creator of the
20 countries currently contribute to CERN's efforts.
The answers to the universe's biggest questions lie in the universe's tiniest particles.
CERN - "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire" - The world's largest particle physics laboratory. CERN is credited for the creation of the internet. They're also in the process of making a 27-kilometer circumfrence particle accelerator. CERN is currently studying antimatter and potential uses in the future.
CERN was a big part of Dan Brown's book "Angels & Demons"