
What is Chabba?


A sound or series of sounds that symbolize and communicate the meaning of a word or words your currently feel like using – in a non offensive or secretive way – without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use. Like a mental or garbled onimonipea.

Taylor: "Hey Dombos, what do you think about the current state of world politics?"

Dombos: "Meh."

Note: Meh (or anything for that matter) would be a chabba.


What is made in the crotch area of ones pants when in the seated position to look similar to an erection. (usualy more defined when person is wearing jeans) does not matter whether person is mail or female.

Dude, look at Janine's chabba. It looks like she's got a fuckin boner.

See chab, chaba, chob, choba, chobba


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