
What is Chabs?


The act of masturbating using ones own excrement for lubrication. Often performed (But not limmited to) on a toilet or in a shower.

1. The filthy bastard was pulling a chabs in my living room.

2. Go chabs yourself dickhead.

See chabs, chubs, chaps, chab, chips


is the ultimate male muscle combination desired by many but perfected by few. It is the chest + abs, when the whole upper body becomes one big mass and you can’t really tell where one starts and the other ends. Basically when someones upper body looks like a big round solid keg of fat or muscle.

It seems certain asian guys have perfected this marvelous display of chunk.

Dude: "Bro! put your shirt back on you look like you are pushing maximum density"

Fatty 1: "Nah! man the ladies love the Chabs"

Dude: "Man i wish i looked like a keg on stilts"

See chest, abs, fat, muscle, keg, mass, round, fatty


slang for thanks, cheers, ta etc.

doth wads out... chabs

(get your tits out... thanks)

See chabs, thanks, tits, bosom, crack


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