
What is Chacarron?


Song by El Mudo (feel free to translate that)

Really bad, yet incredibly good (funny).

Dude, what are the lyrics to that Chacarron song?

Duuuude just go ualeulaeuleuelaeuelaeuaeluale!

See chacarron, music, spanish, lyric, lyrics


Chacarron is the word given to somebody who waffles and babbles on about no particular topic

"Ualuealuealeuale Ualuelaelaellalea, Alsualsualualauusualulus Alsualsualualauusualulus

Ualuealuealeuale Ualuelaelaellalea, Alsualsualualauusualulus Alsualsualualauusualulus "

Says Adam

Steve says " You absolute Chacarron, Shut the hell up!"

See chacarron, talk, babble, waffle, shut up, ualuealuealeuale, lol, wtf, omg, lolcat, lolrus, woop, rapper, rap, rolf


an expression used to signify that someone just did something incredibly, retardedly, stupid. the word originates from the song Chacarron Macarron by El Mudo.

dood 1: "did you hear that jason just poked his eye out with an ice cream cone when he crashed his car into a pole?"

dood 2: "CHACARRON!"

See chacarron, el, spanish, retard, stupid, dumbass


Chacarron: The act of twitching the gluteal muscles violently in a circular motion

Yo cholo check out that thang chacarron like a shiznat!!

Word Klitcho that thing be poppin' like wheelies

See chacarron, cholo, ass, cool


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