What is Chachbie?
(ch-Ah-ch-bee): A person who appreciates and understands the things about you that no one else does.
Do you feel the need to make an elf dance?
Your chachbie will love it.
Do you laugh at your own jokes?
Your chachbie will giggle too .. (not too loudly if they're really bad)
Are you in denial about being brown?
Your chachbie will pretend that you're white and spend too many hours in a tanning booth like your boyfriend.
Do you like to draw pictures of your roomates as cookies for the holiday season?
Your chachbie will post this drawing on facebook and in your common room to save it from being destroyed on the front door.
Did you just have a fight with your mom?
Your chachbie will come give you a hug because she knows you need one.
Did you get attacked by MOLD?
Your chachbie will kill it, but not before waving it in your face and watching you squirm.
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