
What is Chacker?


A person who attacks a network or system with the intent of covering up or finding holes in security; unless you offend them. Then they attack it with the intent of destroying data, or wrecking the system. A combination of a Hacker and Cracker. A hacker is for good purposes (by definition) and a Cracker has malicious intent.

A business hires a Chacker to find holes in security, but then tells hime he won't be making as much as promised. He then finds all of the holes, exploits them, and makes them bigger and easier to get through.

See hacker, cracker, hacking, cracking, steal


A slang word for chinese hacker.

Chinese + Hacker = Chacker

See hacker, cracker, chacker, checker, chinese


Someone who is pissing you off incredibly for no apparent reason or in excess, used when you can not think of a decent insult

CHACKER tim was pissing me off so much even though he wasnt really doing anything i couldnt really think of anything to call him so i called him a "chacker"

See dickhead, insult, chacker, cockmonkey, dilweed


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