
What is Chad?


A member of the male gender, a Chad is a person, typically named Chad, who goes to bars to pick up chicks. He usually accomplishes this by cockblocking other guys. A Chad can be identified by his appearance which usually consists of the following: mesh trucker hat, frosted hair, greasy spiked hair, polo shirt with the collar turned up, fake tan, ringer t-shirt two sizes too small, pants two sizes too small, wifebeater in public, and a light colored button-up shirt. Chad's also have spent time in a fraternity, will dance by themselves to attract attention, and typically drink light beer.

This bar is full of nothing but Chads.

I would have scored with that girl if that Chad would have just shut his piehole.

See assholes, dicks, motherfuckers, cockblockers


Chad, a person that thinks he is best at everything. Including sex.

He thinks he is gods gift to woman, arrogant, a prick, bi-polar, hated and loved.

Most Chad's got a Chuck Norris like beard.

For a person that actually IS good at everything check: Dawson

Girl 1: OMG, my bf thinks he is best at everything.

Girl 2: Fuck yeah. He is such a Chad

See chad, arrogant, prick, perfectionist, chuck norris, dawson


A chad is typically a male. it's common that a chad would have gelled hair and wear sun glasses because they think they make them look cool. Chads would be know to act tough and like they can't fight however they will never fight. Examples of chad brands are afliction tapout hurley famous etc. Chads typically only drink and don't smoke.

That chad is taking creatine.

Hey chad where'd you get that tapout shirt?

See bro, tapout, affliction, ufc


Def. 1. Chad- Noun. a person, male, that thinks he is the best- at anything and everything. Their skewed self-perception fills them with a false sense of sophistication and intelligence.

Outfitted in the latest fashion trend- Often polos, striped button-up shirts, sea shell necklaces etc. a Chad may be spotted sporting a fake tan, bleached teeth and gelled hair.

Due to their common love of beer pong, shity acoustic guitar playing, possible Frat house background and generally annoying, repulsive demeanor they are often confused with a Bro.

Chads often manage to attract good-looking but self-conscious girlfriends or " Place-Holders" by talking down to them and endlessly spouting off at the mouth about their own accomplishments.

Def. 2. Chad- (The Country) Geographical name. Officially the Republic of Chad, a country in central Africa.

Def. 3. Chad- (Paper) Noun. Fragments of paper created when holes are punched in paper, cardboard etc. Similar to confetti.


Setting- House Warming Party:

Chad #1: "Oh darn! All the Bree is gone! Well, I guess I'll play my guitar for everyone in the middle of the living room."


Setting- The Club:

Chad #2: "Hey baby, are those Fendi glasses?"


Setting- House Party:

Chad #3: "Who wants to play beer pong?!?"


Setting- In the mall:

Chad #4: "Hey let's stop by Abercrombie and Fitch, then I need to go buy some hair gel."

See tool, douche, douche bag, chump


Hot, attractive, intelligent male. Known for his all American good looks, dry humor and sarcasm. Funny, witty and modest. Chad is a well rounded, great friend, boyfriend, husband, etc.

He's so perfect, he's such a Chad.

See chad, stud, handsome, sarcasm, male


A cute boy who is fairly tall Kind of shy, and is very loveable.

Omg Chad Is The Best BoyFriend EVER.

See chad, cute, tall, boy, loveable


"An American youth subculture, characterized by an affinity for loud sports cars, MTV, and brand name clothing lines, usually found in packs late at night at Taco Bell."

Often seen wearing: Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts, fitted, sports themed, baseball caps, Oakley sunglasses, sea shell necklaces, etc.

Those Chads are going to go home and chundle eachother's runches.

See runch, chundle, chav, prep, asshole


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