Chad Ginsburg

What is Chad Ginsburg?


Only the greatest guitarist in history. Plays in a little band called cky. Also the hottest guy in history.

"Stay safe, fuck yourself"

See lisa


Guitarist in cKy and mixer/producer of all of cKy's records, including the die-hards only Volume Two (found on Amazon). Known for incredible stagejumps and retiring the "bitch toss". Answers questions asked by fans on their site in the section "Ask cKy."

Chad's got the full support of the cKy alliance behind him.


Chad is an amazing guitarist/producer. He is memeber of CKY (kick ass) and he rocks beyond recognition! Thank you Chad!

Chad Ginsburg along with the rest of CKY should come to Sault Ste. Marie, Canada and play a show.


Guitarist for the band CKY...also appears in some CKY movies

Kick ass guitaristaaaaaaaa


The hottest and best guitarist/vocalist of all time

chad rox and is totally hot

See Llama


Some guy who plays guitar for CKY, and hangs around with Bam Margera

Chad Ginsberg hangs out with CKY and Bam Margera

See Craig


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