
What is Chadrick?


A Chadrick has a very large penis, to which some Chevies love, and some Chevies hate. Chadricks scare the Urbanites, as they phenomenal at making the Urbanites realize what morons they are.

A Chadrick also carries no less than ten thousand dollars cash on him at all times, but never tells the Chevies, as they are greedy.

Chevie: That Chadrick has a huge penis. And Wallet.

Chadrick. Raaaaawwwwrrrrrr.

See chadrick, chad, chadwick, rich


A chadrick Is a mystical creature from the land of GOLDBAREN!!

The term for a chadrick is : Chadden-jorgen-der-stein-rick.

Chads Are Prouned to rocking hard and sexing the Chevies.

A chevie is a tiny creature form the depths of hell, they are a quiet race and squeal when the great Beau or Bojangles approaches her environment.

Chadricks Live In The Woods and Eat Pedofiles for snacks.

OMFG Its A Chadrick Mating With a Chevie.

See chadrick, chad, beau, car


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