
What is Chae?


The most amazing girl alive. hot, intelligent, also see elitest.

Chae will knock your socks off and win over your heart.


A hottie from NY that I want to fuck over and over and over again until she passes out.

Chae is a girl that is really hot.


A well known Erotica novelist in the Blink Chats. If you've not creamed because of her, then you've not come across her.

hornyboy1:Oh look, it's Chae!

hornyboy2:Dude my worm just evolved into a snake.

See denali


Can be used as any noun.

Most common definitions are:

1. A slang terminology for a crackwhore

3. Any amount of crack

4. To be sodomized

5. The posterior opening of the butt canal

6. Something worthless and stupid; bullshit

7. Beyond believe or understanding

mina dont trip: i can get an 8 ball for 140 dollars

fake nose: man, i dunno about you anymore mina

fake nose: youre turning into a chae

You fucking chae!

Fuck that chae.

I took the biggest chae after school today.

Eat a chae and die.

Knife Extortion: Niggz textbook traitors - force fed voices

FistFightToDeath: chris that songs chae

Knife Extortion: Chris, I chaed your azn grandma

christ le album: chris

christ le album: that was chae

DrewspaBaranski: how chae of you

christ le album: so i fucked the chae

Knife Extortion: Did you fuck her in the chae or in the naly?

Knife Extortion: DUDE

Knife Extortion: You chaed CHAE herself?

Knife Extortion: Sick, fucker


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