
What is Chafing?


To rub and cause irritation or friction. Chafing is the anti-christ as far as my twigs and berries are concerned.


"No. Why?"

"CHAFING!!!! *Passes out*"


To have someone or yourself rub your penis to cause irritation and to cause skin to peel off and turn pink or bleed

I was so horny I jacked off 4 times and then my penis started chafing.

See chaffing, peel, bleed, irritation


Usually occurs when one goes commando with a pair of jeans.

After walking long distances, especially in warm enviroments, the penis will chafe on the denim.


To Chafe

After seeing a dirt valve one could call out to a friend to alert them of perving opportunities. Incinuating that the penis has twitched as it has been excited so quickly and unexpectedly.

Said with a high pitched voice in the right tone can lead to some comical behavour.

When repeated gives off a more important vibe. The more chafes often means the rating of the girl out of ten.

"What a brilliant idea it was to wear no undies. I need to sit down for a minute, im chafing all over the show"

"Check that dirt out! Chafe Chafe Chafe!!"

See chafe, chafing, commando, dirt valve


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