
What is Chagrin?


What one says because of something bad that Stephenie Meyer does.

I am so chagrinned because Stephenie Meyer stopped writing Midnight Sun.

See twilight, new moon, eclipse, midnight sun, edward cullen, edward, stephenie meyer, bella, jacob black, cullen, vampire, sexy, werewolf, jacob, cullens, carlisle, esme, rosalie, emmett, jasper, alice


Unease or embarrassment.

"After my Windows 98 crashed 6 times, I ran out and got 'friend of the robot' tattooed on my forehead, thinking the machines were rebelling and planning to kill us all. Imagine my chagrin when it just turned out to be a crappy product."

- Davejames

See thomas


1. A feeling of shame or humiliation.

2. Best-selling author Stephenie Meyer's favorite word to use.

To her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived.

See shame, humiliation, embarrassment, disappointment


The feeling of being annoyed and embarrassed.

Chagrin say sha-grin His tone triggered her chagrin.

See annoy, emotion, twilight saga, anger


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