Chaldean Time

What is Chaldean Time?


The Theory Of Chaldean Time is an idea that Chaldean Catholics has difficulty reading clocks, both digital and analog clocks. The theory was descovered when a Chaldean got to a party that was supposed to start at 7:00 at 7:45, and was early to the party. Below is an approximate estimation of Chaldean time.

If a party starts at . . . then it really starts at 7:00 . . . 8:00 7:30 . . . 8:40 and so on

The second part of the theory states that Chaldean will make up for the time missed at the end of the party but having the party last longer than usual. For example, a party is supposed to end at 10. The Chaldean will say "o.k. its 10:00, time to go." However the Chaldean will talk to his fellow Chaldean for an hour or two in front of the front door before finally leaving the house.

Fady: Bro what time does Leath's party start at.

Bassam: 8 o'clock

Fady: O.k. i will pick u up at 9:15 and we will roll together

Bassam: ok, thats hadeed. That is on time for chaldean time

See chaldeans, chaldean, arab, time


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