
What is Chalk?


its used to describe the favorite, mostly in betting and gambling

the patriots have been the chalk in the NFL for several years

See favorite


The expected outcome, especially in a sporting event. Derived from, "you can chalk that up right now, we don't even have to see it."

My NCAA sweet sixteen bracket was chalk.


London expression for coke (cocaine)

That's mighty fine chalk you've managed to acquire from Bristol.


Military term for an aircraft load. More specifically a group of airborne soldiers which deploy from a single aircraft or platoon sized unit for air-assault operations.

"I'm placing you in charge of chalk #4, soldier!"

See stuff, jargon, army, soldiers, airborne


- to steal

ghetto-slang. Origin: San Francisco Bay Area

I just chalked that niggas entire stash.


The common term for the naturally occurring substance Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) It is also made synthetically, and often used for writing on blackboards (traditionally made of slate) and sidewalks.

Teachers often have a large supply of chalk on hand!


a universal word derived from the actual word Chalk, but due to the Tennesseean origin, it's pronounced slightly different. Refers to the select population of trashy, flashy white kids in their late teens to mid to late 20's who prefer stupid, graphically enhanced honda products;

with disproportionately large wings, loud mufflers, and neon lights to illuminate the 2 inch radius of their (usually) speeding and weaving vehicle,

as their mode of transportation.

You can spot them in most mall food courts with their 13 year old girlfriends, pierced ears, and tribal or kanji symbol tattoos that they'll never understand the meaning of.

N: man, that kid is such a CHALK!!!

V: hey, buddy why don't you quit CHALKIN' and get the fuck away from my kindergardner with that roofie colada

adj: I never understood why you hated him until i realized how CHALKIE he was.

PN: hey, CHALK

ADV: he was driving quite CHALKILY

See Count Chalkula


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