
What is Chalupa?


Money. Preferrably a lot.

Ohhh, we gettin' chalupa //

Wrapped cheese in a rubber band and call it gouda

See yaper, gouda, cheese, money, sydeshow


A very tasty form of taco which occurs in and around taco bell. The fire™ brand salsa can be combined with the previously mentioned chalupa in order to augment the flavor exponentially.

Please pass the fire sauce so that I may increase the potential flavor quotient of my chalupa.


Acronym for "Can't Have A Larger Upper Pussy Area." It is obviously the most extreme of the "upper pussy area" terms. It rhymes with FUPA (Fat Upper Pussy Area), producing the ultra-effective and scintillating term "FUPA CHALUPA."

The irony of a chalupa being similar to a taco and a taco possessing likeness to a vagina add to the word's efficacy.

Did you see that obese girl's CHALUPA?! It was hanging lower than Helga's fupa!

See chalupa, fupa, taco, pussy, fat, ross


money, cheese, cheddar, skrilla, yaper, gouda

i'm stackin' chalupas

See money, cheese, cheddar, skrilla, yaper, gouda


Funny, but in Czech, "chalupa" means a traditional, old-style, village house or cottage.

To je pekna chalupa! = What a nice cottage!

See house, cottage, village, chalet, cabin


Somebody who is hard and seems unapproachable on the outside but is really sweet and caring on the inside. Like a taco bell chalupa.

Kate: Omg your dad seems so mean, I never knew he was so sweet like that! Beth: I know he is such a huge Chalupa!

See taco, sweetiepie, snuggle, snuggie, betch


a latina

he loves to date them chalupas

See latina, la vida loca, chola, carmen, kobe


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