What is Chamberpush?
A fart that has entered the “chamber” when it first reaches the zone where one can either push it out like a man or hold it in like an absolute wimp. To ChamberPush is to immediately push said fart out the moment it enters the chamber with a reckless disregard for those around you and without a moment’s hesitation. There is no thought involved, it is automatic. This is why it must be one word. To put a space between the two words may mislead one to believe there is a millisecond of consideration between the two occurrences. A fart entering the chamber is similar to the trigger of a loaded gun being pulled. There is absolutely no doubt as to what happens next 100% of the time.
Dude...after 3 bean burritos and a nacho grande I could only chamberpush that bad boy out. There was no stopping it!!