What is Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School?


CHCH is a strange example of what scholars call the Lotus eater effect. While the school appears to be a slightly above average institution of learning from the outside, those who know it best would describe it as a place no one wants to be, but no one wants to leave. For it is so easy to get satisfactory grades at CHCH when compared to other public high schools, that no one wants to leave when they realize this.

That's it.

CHCH is also devoid of any more than 8 moderately attractive girls in a school of over 180, which gives us the example of one poor freshman a few years back, who, upon the first all school assembly, his eyes seeing the lackluster selections for the opposite sex, immediately ordered a 90 percent cutback of blood flow to both of his gonads, as he would not be needing them for the next 4 years.

I do not recommend this school to anyone, ever.


You probably go to CHCH IF:

You know to stay away from 'weird looking desserts'

"What the fuck is a Strawberry Cream Pie Bar?"

You've been yelled at by a fat lady at some point during your school career.

"Get oot of the library!"

No one has heard of your school.

"I go to Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School" "...Where?"

You ceased to care about rules after you were denied re-acceptance for senior year.

See crap, chch, get out


Commonly known and referred to as CH-CH.

Chapel Hill - Chancy Hall School has a culturally diverse student body of about 170 boys and girls. Some of our students are from outside the U.S., coming to us from such regions as Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa. Because of our diversity, we teach and live in an atmosphere of mutual respect for differences, including those of culture, ethnicity, religion, philosophy, and sexuality. Whether day or boarding, our students help create a vibrant community that encourages rich and lasting friendships.

Our students have a wide range of academic backgrounds and a desire and potential to achieve greater success. Many students come to CH-CH because they are not satisfied, academically or socially, with their current (often larger) school settings. All students find a school that is supportive, academically challenging, and focused on successful preparation for college.

Hey, what's CH-CH?

It stands for Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School, it's in Waltham, near Boston, MA.

See chch


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