Char To Holly

What is Char To Holly?


My best friend since I was three years old. Yeah thats right we met on a dirt pile in front of my house, how cool is that? Shes a kick ass girl with a kick ass personality, thats what i love most about her. We've had our diffrences but shes still there for me. We share the same hobbies, like soccer and we both like to play our instruments (atleast i hope she does). Shes a ReaLly $RicH$ bitch and i'm, i'm just rich. haha. Shes awesome to hang out with, no wonder so many people love her. Shes one of the coolest people i've ever met, maybe the coolest. BfFL

a "friend" will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sittin right next to you saying "That was fuckin awesome!"

Friends are like bras, close to the heart and all about the support! (I think she needs a little more support, if ya know what i mean)

..::Today could be a good day, Tomorrow could be a bad day. But no matter what, just remember the one thing that counts, your my friend and thats a good thing not to forget::..


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