Charles Bukowski

What is Charles Bukowski?


An incredibly funny, Los Angeles writer known as "the prophet of skid row." Bukowski published thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, and six novels. His simple writing style is often imitated and centers on drinking, whores, and playing the horses. Bukowski spent many years drifing across the USA in a drunken haze, working crap jobs, fighting in bars, and living in flop houses. Later, he returned to LA, worked at the Post Office, played the horses, and started writing. He wrote the autobiographical movie "Barfly" staring Mickey Rourke and Faye Dunaway.

"...well, I wasn't quite a bum. I had a library card and I checked books in and out, large stacks of them, always taking the limit allowed..."--Charles Bukowski, The Burning of the Dream.

See bukowski, writers, los angeles, post office, drinking


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