Charles Byrne

What is Charles Byrne?


The man...... Journey man most of his childhood noted for his 80 yard punt return against Plum in the Pittsburgh youth football championship, WCAC rookie of the year, two time Maryland all-state selection, and Mr. Montgomery County Finalist. Byrne has been quoted saying "get on my Level".. "chill with that shit my dude im not feelin it", and telling Post reporter to "roll up and talk to your boy.. Now". he is a character

"big guy fall down"

"some one get Mr. H a brew before he fails me"

"Attention students roll to the eartzmen so you can sing me Happy Birthday"

"dude i will totally do down on Mrs. Butterman if she passes me"

"Wanna go to my place and "study""

"Hey Hey Hey... i make the rules in this class... roll out"

I was peace signed by charles byrne

See big, guy, hilarious, tall, good times


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