
What is Chart?


To mark or Tally something up

Hey yo kid, chart that point up

See tally, mark, point, score, count


Happens when you are having sex and the pressure between the girls boobs and the guys chest expels rapidly making a farting noise kind of like an armpit fart except from the chest.

I was banging my chick last night and she ended up charting like four or five times.

See chest, fart, sex, sounds, boobs


Uber-good Canadian music magazine filled with all kinds of new-rock goodies.

I only buy Chart magazine so I can read the interview with Nardwuarthe Human Serviette.

See 4dimensional


When you chortle and end up sharting.

chortle + shart= chart

"Oh fuck guys I just charted"



See shart, fart, chortle, chart, laughing


The top # in music stuff.

A listing where people with many hits get listed.

"He reached the charts"


a cross between a chav and a tart

don't look now, here comes that cherie blair, she's a right chart

See chav, tart, blart, minger, 1664


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