Chatham Hall

What is Chatham Hall?


Chatham Hall is a super elite boarding school for girls in Virginia. Although students often complain that its "in the middle of nowhere" the girls have all they need on campus with their worldclass dorms, amazing riding program, a georgous art center, a huge gym, and great tennis courts as well as lacrosse/field hockey fields... The girls are all very affluent (with the exception of the few financial aid kids) and dont mind flaunting every now and then... Everyday they wear polos w/ the collars popped, of course, and classy pants/shorts... The girls are all intelligent, as they are taught by mainly proffesors who have a PHD or are rhodes schloars... The girls dont really mind going to an all girls school, as mixers are really popular and they all seem to be doing quite fine with every other school's guys. The girls are all super southern and love to sip on sweet tea while taking a walk around the beautifully manicured campus. Chatham is a "sister school" to Woodberry Forrest, and do several trips with them including a trip to Scotland every summer. Chatham girls are simply the best because they have impecable manners, taste, grades, and looks.

Girl #1- "Who is that? Her outfit is so adorable, I love the light green polo with those light green J.Crew pressed shorts"

Guy #1- "I dont know, but she is absolutly georgous!"

Guy #2- "I hear that she is really smart too and is going to an Ivy League... Apparently shes one of those Chatham Hall Girls......."

Guy #1- "Oh damn, she is way out of our league"

See chatham, chatham hall girls, preppy, classy, boarding school


chatham hall is great and y'all are just jealous that you aren't chatham girls.. we are the the hottest smartest and drunkest of the east coast prep schooled blondes. well that isnt entirely true, us chatham girls put up with a whole lot from a lying bitch-y dean to a fat fairy rector. chatham girls can also be found in every sketchy place concieveable smoking a ciggarette (we dont love our fitness trail for nothing), putting out to get alcohol from waiters in town,and smoking pot out of our windows in the wee hours of the morning...

we are also the bitchyest and we play all the boys. in fact its not unlikely that if you are with a chatham girl, she also has a boy at every major prep school and two at home for fun. and yeah so we screw all the woodfairies, suck off the blue ridgies and give ourselves a bad name. but in the end, any prep school boy would rather be played by a chatham girl then have to deal with the crazed whiny ehs annos, st mary's dumbasses, maderia lesbos, foxcroft horse lovers, or oldfeilds coke heads. Besides, after youve gone through what we have with the administration at our school, you'd feel like having a little fun too. so dont hate because we're bitchy sluts, you wish you could be all this too.

boy at mixer: god look at that girl, she looks like i could sleep with her AND bring her home to my parents

Boy #2: she's a bitchy chatham hall girl man, she'd cheat on you so fast...

boy at mixer (#1):yeah, but it would be worth it man, worth it everytime...

chatham hall girl: wanna go smoke an incredibly stale pack of menthols on the fitness trail while looking incredibly sketchy in a pair of gym-sweatpants?

chatham hall girl #2: i'm on probation, but man what the hell... i love hanging in the deans office with her jolly ranchers and soothing waterfall noise maker...

See chatham, chatham hall girls, chatham girl, graduate


Chatham Hall is a super elite boarding school for girls in Virginia. Although students often complain that its "in the middle of nowhere" the girls have all they need on campus with their worldclass dorms, amazing riding program, a georgous art center, a huge gym, and great tennis courts as well as lacrosse/field hockey fields... The girls are all very affluent (with the exception of the few financial aid kids) and dont mind flaunting every now and then... Everyday they wear polos w/ the collars popped, of course, and classy pants/shorts... The girls are all intelligent, as they are taught by mainly proffesors who have a PHD or are rhodes schloars... The girls dont really mind going to an all girls school, as mixers are really popular and they all seem to be doing quite fine with every other school's guys. The girls are all super southern and love to sip on sweet tea while taking a walk around the beautifully manicured campus. Chatham is a "sister school" to Woodberry Forrest, and do several trips with them including a trip to Scotland every summer. Chatham girls are simply the best because they have impecable manners, taste, grades, and looks.

Girl #1- "Who is that? Her outfit is so adorable, I love the light green polo with those light green J.Crew pressed shorts"

Guy #1- "I dont know, but she is absolutly georgous!"

Guy #2- "I hear that she is really smart too and is going to an Ivy League... Apparently shes one of those Chatham Hall Girls......."

Guy #1- "Oh damn, she is way out of our league"

See chatham, chatham hall girls, preppy, classy, boarding school


This is possibly the worst boarding school in America. It describes itself as a nuturing place for growing girls, yet will truly mentally ruin a student. From a rector (headmaster) who wants nothing but money to a sick, cruel, mean dean of students who wants you ruined, I truly do not reccomend this school. The faculty is unprofessional and the girls who attend are the typical cookie cutter bastards. This school has ruined and hurt so many. If you are a parent looking or even a girl please do not attend this school. It will lead to the demise of you as a person. It will take a person years to recover from such a terrible experience. If you want to go to a boarding school chooose wisely, and please do not give this school any more money. You be harrassed by the dean, your money will be stolen by the rector who is never there and could careless, and the classes are worthless. There are barely any good teachers.

The dean of students is the most physcologically upsetting person i have ever met in my life. She ruined me forever.

just never send your child to chatham hall

my memories are filled with hatred and sadness

See the, worst, school, on, earth, never, send, your, child, here


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