
What is Chatmosphere?


1) The chatmosphere is the intangible area in which internet chats take place.

2) The virtual space in which you meet another person or persons for the purpose of chatting.

jc: Maybe later we can meet in the chatmosphere and get to know each other better!

hotness: Maybe later you can grow a pair and just speak to me face to face.

jc: It was awesome chatting with you in the chatmosphere man!

Aloysius: You don't have any friends, do you?

See chat, chatty-mcchat-chat, googlefart, aim


The definitive spacial area surrounding one that is 'chat', has bad style or is generally a bad person.

Man paul rocked up and created the biggest chatmosphere, the whole vibe of the party was downhill from then.

See chat, steez, linky, vibe


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