
What is Chatrat?


1. n. Annoying immature chatters who interupt civil conversation with ignorant or irrelivent comments.

2. n. Groups of youngsters hording all the PCs in a College or Library computer lab spending all of their time in chatrooms.I went down to the lab to finish up my thesis and it was full of bloody chatrats.

by Dreylor May 3, 2004

3. n. Obnoxious Australian board hogger who latches onto an issue and won't let it go for years. Not one with whom to mess.

Australia is better than everywhere else because...

Spelling and grammar are paramount to Chatrats

See obnoxious, obstreperous, rude, nasty, cantankerous


1. n. Annoying immature chatters who interupt civil conversation with ignorant or irrelivent comments.

2. n. Groups of youngsters hording all the PCs in a College or Library computer lab spending all of their time in chatrooms.

I went down to the lab to finish up my thesis and it was full of bloody chatrats.


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