What is Chatspeak?
A disgrace to the English language.
omg wtf r u tinking gothz pwn punkz!!/1oneone
Chatspeak, aka
Chatspeakers are generally looked down on by people who can actually spell and who have enough self-respect to type out a real sentence.
Chatspeak can never be considered 'literate.'
Boys- Boiz
Girls- girlz, grlz, grrlz, gurlz
Mate- m8
Skater- sk8er
You- u
Are- r
Tonight- 2nite
Because- Bcuz
Et cetera.
hi im a grrl how r u??? ok so dont talk 2 me i dont care!!!
Hell on the internet.
A disgrace to grammar.
Person 1: omg ur meen u duma$$ lol
Person 2: And you're stupid. :)
Person 1: lol dnt b dum im betr dan u
Person 2: -lets out a long, drawn-out sigh- I hate chatspeak.
...Well, it's not English, I can tell ya that.
12jhsefwe ghewkhtjk? OMFG ROFL dslfh7 hska--9 hasfjh fsjlsehr!!!
-brb <3
When people think it's cool to shorten words when they type things on IM, message boards, etc. Newsflash: It's not cool. Don't do it. Instead of just saying "I'm an idiot!" you can just type in chatspeak and it will basically mean the same thing.
lyke omgwtfbbq typing wit corect speling is overrated LoL!!1
The shortening of words and adding of numbers, usually used on an instant messenger service, that makes you look incredibly stupid. Usually makes no sense, and is hard to decipher. Rarely paired with correct spelling and punctuation. Also known as idiotspeak.
yo r u goin down 2 the club 2day
Also known as
Dis is a ex of chatspek 4 u lol. i cant speel 4 mi lyf n im on aim 247. go figur.