
What is Chaunce?


Definition: The word chaunce is much of an enigma in today's teenage society, but those who can fully grasp the various meanings and uses of the word will refer to it as such:

1. One who carries himself in a presumptuous manner all the while unknowingly giving off an overall vibe of uncoolness that somehow deters from the well-being of those around

2. One who fails miserably at something after premature boasts of achievement

3. Someone that denies a man what he desires most while not receiving any benefit by doing so; the denial is simply due to a lack of comprehension of the gravity of the ordeal

Other possible meanings include but are not limited to short and swift negro man and the male reproductive organ

Examples correspond with their respective definitions:

1. "I was cock-blocked by that chaunce; he clearly does not understand the concept of 'wingman'"

2. "Yes, after receiving nothing after having her, quote, "in the palm of your hand", I name you chaunce of the week"

3. "The woman refused to let me inside her residence where her daughter I sought lay waiting"

Other forms of word: chauncedom; chaunciest; chauncier; chauncey

See loser, fruit, asshole, wang, darkness, Chaunce


1. verb: to chaunce, or the act of chauncing around involves a friend or seemingly non-brooks type making a self-call without realizing it.

2. noun: a chaunce is someone who by their simple act of habitual chauncing around has afforded them the name chaunce. Archaic version of chaunce: "king of the castle"

"Have you seen ben today?"

"Oh you mean chaunce? Yeah he was chauncing around Collis with his strawberry banana smoothie for a solid hour earlier today."

See chaunce, chauncey, chauncing


Chaunce is another term for dipping. Usually used when around people you don't want to find out you dip.

"Ted let's chaunce during the Cardinals game."

Last night Derrick and I chaunced after we drank some beer.

Chaunce is usually used by people who play baseball, or college kids.

See dipping, spitting, grizzly


n. one who exhibits qualities of coolness, baller status, or extraordinary skills and abilities.

v. to accomplish a goal, achieve a great feat, or in slang terminology "light something (someone) up"

adj. used to describe a noun that is admirable, worthy of praise, or in slang terminology "off of the chain"

Also see: Chaunce Diebler

n. "That kid has a .350 batting average? what a chaunce."

n. "What's up chaunce? You wanna hit up a couple shawtys (females)?"

v. "I chaunced all over that latin test."

v. "You wanna a get a couple of sodas, a few burgs, and just chaunce it up for a little bit?"

adj. "Lup-Dog is an absolute chaunce."

adj. "That banging body was chaunce."

n. v. adj. "Whats up big chaunce? You wanna chaunce on a little bit of Fifa? I think such an activity would be chaunce."

See chaunce, chauncy


Anything. This word can mean anything you want it to. It can be bad or good. Mean or nice. It doesn't matter.

Hey, are you gonna chaunce it up?

Crap! I chaunced that test!

Go chaunce yourself!

See anything, variable, whatever, swear, everything


mystical creatures that reside in college dormitories. often are found doing the following acts: chauncing around, stinking things up, rubbing it's junk, chauncing around without appropriate clothing, or lying immobile in it's dungeonous lair for hours on end.

"You dirty chaunce."

"Get the 'F' outta my way chaunce"


"The chauauauauauauauance."

Chaunce is such a dirty chaunce today, chauncin' around in his bare ass and stinkin' up the joint.

See waste, useless, stinky, mansex


to hang out with people or chill.

the act of hanging out and "chilling" or relaxing

me and nate are going to go chaunce in my room.

this word can also be used as


ex: taylor and nate were chauncing in the biology lab

it also can be used as chaunced

ex: what did you do last night?

nothing much i just chanced all night.

See chill, chaunce, hang out, relaxing, chillin


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