What is Chav!!?
Chavs are people who wander around the streets aimlessly, drinking cheap alcohol and kicking off with everybody they see, as they have nothing better to do. They wear scruffy looking trackies, tucked into their socks, to make sure they look as stupid as possible. Chavettes have bright orange faces and lots of cheap fake gold jewelerry on. :)
Chav!! sees a mosher = me
Chases me
Gets hurt
Gets lots of other chavs to come down and do all their dirty work for them...
A chav is someone who has no social life and annoys goths,moshers and emos. But to every definition theres a moral any chav mouths off to much to someone lets just get the coffin ready now....
chav:eeewwww u stupid goth
goth:shut up small unimportant being
chav:make me
goth:chavs look cute wen they're asleep?!?!?!?!