Chav Language

What is Chav Language?


Complete fucking nonsense, as the name suggests, this is a language spoken by nearly all chavs, regardless of gender or race. Depending on the area, chavs generally talk an assortment of dialects made up from cockney rhyming slang and its derivatives, latino phrases (people who use them usually think they are actually latino) and made up words. This is essentially a less sophisticated version of nadsat, that can be heard in a clockwork orange.


Chav: Oi blud! you got a spare grout init?

Translation: Excuse me sir, do you have a cigarette to spare?


Chav: Narr bruv, don't make me blaps you up init

Normal person: Speak English, not rediculous chav language, fucker.

See nadsat, idiot, tit, chav


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