
What is Chave?


to shave one's genital region.

"i watched the best porno last night. the girl was totally chaved."

"that was the best chave i've ever seen."

See shave, clip, buzz, porno, trim


A middle class chav. Someone of a higher typical socio-economic background and with more pronounced Estuary English accent than the typical chav. However they are just as stupid

Victoria Beckam and Jodie Marsh are Chaves they are too rich to be Chavs!


an upper class chav from looke-ington

or a right rough chav from wack-field

you are such a chave

See chav, upper class, wakefield, lockington, random


A fruit who kisses the asses of trolls.

My friend who is only known as CWM, is a chave.


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