
What is Chavez?


The act of stealing another persons future girl friend, widely defined as "cock blocking" to the biggest extent but this person must be of Hispanic decent

"Wow that kid just pulled a chavez"

See chavez, cock blocking, girlfreind, bad, evil, justin


The current president of Venezuela. A Castro wannabe who capitalizes on world hatred of the US government to look good, protect his dictatorship and expand his outdated socialist views.

Hey, Chavez, you know that socialism is a failed economic concept, right? No serious analyst would recommend it.

Chavez: Stfu, capitalist pig.

See chavez, socialism, capitalist, dictator, fail


1. A bloody dictator from the Latin American country of Venezuela. Despite his murderous, tyranical and corrupt regime, he has allowed a recall referendum, and has been elected 3 times by an overwhelming percentage of Venezuelans, who -we are told- hate him more than anyone else in the world.

2. The President of Venezuela, despised by 95% of the corporate media, business groups, and pro "free market" governments. His biggest detractors are the rich Venezuelans, the Miami mafia and the Bush administration.

3. Chaves, Brazilian name for "El Chavo del Ocho", a Mexican sitcom from the 70s and 80s.

Jorge: I hate that fucking Chavez!! We must overthrow him and restore democracy!!

Vince: But he won more than 10 fair elections, didn't he?

George: I don't give a shit!! Those ignorant poor always vote the wrong way! We must kill him!!

See oil, venezuela, socialism


a tyrannical dictator that controls venezuelas goverment by means of fear.

A Marxist anti-anerican that open spke out about america on september 20, 2006 and deserves to go to hell

chavez is a dirty american that opresses his people and inflates the global oil market

See dictator, tyrant, anti-american, marxist, noob


Venezuelan President, bigger-than-life activist and the polar opposite of George W. Bush

George W. Bush is a mean-spirited moron, mass murderer and traitor who whores for corporations at his own citizens' expense, while Hugo Chavez is a gutsy firebrand who champions socialism in the broad sense of the term, holding capitalistic pigs accountable as a strategy for helping the general public

See george bush, venezuela, firebrand, activist


Latin-American version of British youth icon chav.

Equivalent of Italian-American guido.

Kevin is a chav. Angel is a chavez.

See ned, guido, yob, skally, etc.


A white mans word for a native american or canadian that looks more mexican that native.

Kris shave your mustache you dirty chavez.

See chavez, dirty chavez, mexifry, indian, ndn


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