
What is Chavs?


Chavs are retards who think that they're rebels and also think that their local McDonalds is a 5-star restraunt.

Male chavs wear clothes and jewellry which come from a market, they have a attitude problem and smoke since the age of 11.

Female chavs wear tight trousers and when they sit down they're thongs show, have fake blonde hair as straight as an ironing board or they have the "croydon face-lift", they lost their virginity at the age of 14, they have a attitide problem and they have really really bad teeth.

Chavs also use stupid words such as "safe" or "mint" or "y'wot?" or "quali'ee" or my favourite "innit" what are they trying to say?, it's like trying to communicate with a dog.

you usually find them in your local bus stop or your local town.

In my local area they're are loads of chavs


They are the scum of the earth...need i say more????

Filth hanging outside McDonalds in large groups attempting to look remotely intimidating.


A chav consists of a simple sum:~

hair scraped back, + tight trousers/dangerously short skirt/tracksuit + tight top, (if girl showing alot of clevage) + attitude problem + big gold earings/necklaces and rings (covering every finger so its almost impossible to pick anything up)= female chav

short blond or bleached blond spiky hair + attitude problem + limited voacb consisting of: 'safe', 'innit', 'ya startin?' and 'mint' + one ear pierced with a earing rather than a stud + a few gold rings + socks pulled over their trousers, of their trousers roled up (anything to be noticed) = male chav

Any other group of individuals is advised to stick in bigs numbers, as there is the 4 on 1 rule. a chav will not start unless there is four of them to anyone they're fighting. Just shows how pathetic they are.


British equivalent of white trash, although the Brit variety is predominantly urban (though still of provincial mentality) whereas the American sort are typically rural (especially trailer trash).

Pretty much any young urban lad these days, but especially football hooligans wearing caps, hoodies, and g-strings above the waistline.

See monkeyboy



They enjoy partaking in antisocial behavior,

They enjoy white lightening

They tuck their tracksuits into their socks to save money if they become ankle swingers,

They are more hated than any other social group in the UK

Lets stand on a street corner and drink white lightening while shouting abuse at some old lady through a stolen traffic cone


A person who A) Wears tracksuits at all times, fake Burberry caps, gold jewellry (the chunkier and less tasteful the better) rolls their trouser legs up to reveal their ankles/pulls their socks up over their trouser legs; if female has a bottled tan, large hoop earrings, hair tied up rediculously tight so as to actually distort the natural shape of their face.

B)Hangs around on estates, parks, high streets, outside McDonalds or in childrens playgrounds whilst drinking White Lightning cider, gossiping about either East Enders, Coronation Street, I'm a Celebrity..., the ugly swine they got off with the night before or how 4 of them beat the crap out of a lone "Greebo/Grunger"

C) Has a self imposed inabilty to say words of more than two sylables, brought about by purposefully ignoring all attempts by the State to educate them.

The most common example to be easily found of a Chav is outside your local McDonalds, or in the nearest park, sitting around the bench closest to the football pitch(if one is present).

Celebrity examples of the breed include Wayne Rooney, and Mel C.


A bunch of white kids who think they are hardcore gangsters from the ghettos and listen to "phat beats" such as Blazin' Squad and So Solid Crew, which they think is gangster music, when it is no more than pop music with annoying "raps" and "beats". They are usually popular at school and go around acting "propa hard" beating up and pushing around anyone that's not popular or a chav like them. They also like to call anyone that likes rock music a "goff" "mosha" or "grunga". Avoid these mindless fuckwits at any chance you can.

See wigger

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