
What is Chay?


indigenous australian for 'shit', commonly used in a reactive manner.

Chay, you serious?

Chay, you're gammon bro.


Adj. Chay is a hybrid word. It originates from "yeah" which evolved into "cheah!" With the addition of "yay!" we form the most excited word of the new millenium, which should be spelt in caps with an exclamation mark for full effect.

Timmy from the Camels dedicated me a song. CHAY!

See smash


baked ham

see jeremiah


it is seriously your penis

8=====)its your dick, peter wenie, pee pee, PENIS

I just got chay slapped.

See chay, dick, peter, pee pee


To smoke dank nugs. Derived from the word Chief and its definition of smoking weed.

Hey, you want to go chay?

See chief, weed, bud, dank, nugs


See overchay.

That girl is so chay.


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