Che Guevara Radical

What is Che Guevara Radical?


Bleeding heartcollege age leftywho thinks they are workingto defeat the whole terrible Systemwith a capital(ist) S because there is a big red posterof Che Guevara (printed no doubt on a massive press somewhere like Columbus, Ohio) in their bedroom. Swears eternalenmity to anyone from NASAto Monsanto, has probably played their part in uprooting at least one field of allegedlyGM sugar beet and has no doubt pleaded in public that we have no rightto be in spaceuntil the last African baby is fed (and if that had been arranged there would surely be something else). Of course you just know that in ten years' time, if not sooner, the Che Guevara radical will have an office job for the Coca-Cola Company in Shanghaiand drive an SUV.

She's 18 and she's all Che Guevara radical, but just wait until she graduates from Uni and the poster will come down.

See left, trendy, mob, hypocrisy, bigot, open-minded, pretense, fair-weather friend


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