
What is Chead?


Cheese bread. (Alternative to breese)

Q: hi. do you sell chead?

A: do we sell what?

Q: chead. cheese bread

A: dude what kinda glass dick u smokin from callin that chead

See chead, breese, cheese, bread, dick


Pronounced "ched"

Short for Chuckle head. Someone who is a dullard. Most used in a business setting where intelligent technical folks have to deal with brain dead business folks. The pointy haired boss from Dilbert is the perfect example of chead.

I can't believe what those cheads want to do now.


A long but thin penis.

His cheed won't fit in his pants because it is too long, so instead he tied it in a bow.


Verb. (Ch-e-d)

The act of giving oral sexto a female.


Eating Out and Eating At The Y

She gave me money, so I gave her chead.

See head, oral sex, sex, female, eating out


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