
What is Cheast?


When one cheats in the game Medal of Honor, this person is decreed as a cheaster and shall be deemed a douche for the rest of thine own life.

Ways to cheast:


2. Constantly interrupting battles between 2 people.

3. Constantly killing wounded warriors that were scavenged after a previous battle.

4. Continually picking up the bazooka.

5. Using the bazooka for your last kill.

6. I cant think of anymore.

"Torin you always cheast you douche."

See burr, tiddle, bush, poop


a female cheese/yeast sensation

"the woman was carrying her cheast in a bucket"

See jeest


When you're so fat, your cheek just merges with your chest. That area is then called the "cheast". Similar to a "kankle".

Manda has a tatoo of a shamrock on her cheast.


A poorly spelled version of cheats or possible chest.

Ricket: "Atreyu Jacobison, Bang, and BiG G have all written "cheast" in their definitions of Nilla, sexy man cheast, and rinx, respectively."

Cheddar: "What can I say? People are stupid."


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