
What is Cheats?


A card game where you use a standard 52 deck of cards and there can be as many players as you want. The dealer hands out all the cards til there's none left. Each player can look at there cards and the first person lays down a card face down and says the card he put down. It starts as a ace so you would put down A card and say that BUT it could be anything else other then a real ace. If another player say's cheats! and you put a fake ace and its not a ace you must pick up the whole pile in the middle where you put down cards though the game. If you put down a real ace and some one said cheats then he must pick up the whole pile in the middle. You win the game by losing all your cards and it get's very hard at the end when you have litte cards left and you must lie alot. You can also put down more then 1 of the same card like you would say "3 jacks!" and you can lie there also and jokers are wild. This game is also known to be called bullshit like in the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

I played cheats last night and layed down 4 queens and got away with it!


An unfortunate event that is out of your control.

Kinda like bad luck but worse.

An event that happened at either the wrong place or time.

Something that happens, when u don't want it to happen.

Like a "WOW!....REALLY?"..moment

My friend was trying to get with this one girl for the longest. He would never talk to her. So one day we were fooling around,tossing a basketball, and he started chasing this squirrel. At that exact moment the girl walks around the corner and sees him chasing a squirrel holding a basketball. So her first impression was probably.."this guy is immature". so i look at that as..."Wow..really...cheats"

Basically all of the Twix..(need a moment?)commercials are cheat moments

See bad luck, screwed over, cheats, unfortunate


An unfortunate event that is out of your control.

Kinda like bad luck but worse.

An event that happened at either the wrong place or time.

Something that happens, when u don't want it to happen.

Like a "WOW!....REALLY?"..moment

Like when you're late for work...and it just so happens that you get caught by every red light.

Like when you're at work...and as soon as you're bout to do somethin stupid, you're boss walks around the corner....that's cheats

See cheats, unfortunate, screwed


someone who roots 2 chicks in the one night and is in yr 11.

leigh able

See hotstuff





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