
What is Check?


Jizz or the act of jizzing (masturbation).

"You were in the bathroom for thirty minutes, what were you doing in there?"

"I was checking; i found this great new site."

See porn, computer, jack, checking

2. put someone in their place realize your current position in any of many situations

3.paper money you write

best check yo self, before you reck yourelf

See tweek


To ejaculate, usually during masturbation.

"Dude! Why is my magazine all wet?"

"Oh, I saw that picture of those two girls making out and I just had to check all over it."

See jizz, cum, come, ejaculate, jack off, masturbate, dick


referrers to a hot boy who wears skinny jeans, normally listen to ska and wear clothes with checks on them, (like a code name)

"look at that check of there skanking"

See check, hot, ska, skank, checkered


The act of inbounding the ball/putting the ball in play in a game of basketball.

Check ball nigga!

See Jefe


when a person has no chin or neck. instead the chin and neck combine together form check.

"man look at that fat girls check!"

"SICK man she's rough!"

See no-neck, turkey, fatty, check


Term used in place of "yes" in U.S. Army Field Artillery.

SGT: You ready for the next fire mission?

PVT: Check sergeant!


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