
What is Checkered?


A pattern that is often associated with ska music. It originated in 2-tone ska from the 70's and 80's in bringing together blacks and whites. Also stupid scenesters wear it not even knowing it means to be against racial segregation.

Yo man check it. I got some checkered shoes! Lets put some tunes on and start skanking!

See checks, black and white, checkers, ska


meaning one is who usually associated with the checkered pattern;like a person who is like pattern which doesnt match or makes no sense;plaid; a stupid idiot also can be a fascist nazi

I think that dude is acting checkered because he is lying about the car he stole then lied about it.


Stoned, high, blitzed, blazed

I was checkered after smoking a joint

See stoned, high, blazed, wasted, fucked up


drunk, intoxicated, wasted

We got checkered last night.

See drunk, intoxicated, wasted, blotto, hammered


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