Cheese Ass

What is Cheese Ass?


(noun) 1. A stupid person who doesn't know how to drive; a crazy driver; someone who should NOT have a license, let alone be on the road with any kind of motor vehicle. 2. Some one who loves to eat cheese, thus having all of those cheese calories go right to the buttocks.

1. "Look at that cheese ass swerving in & out of the lanes on the highway!" -OR- "I wish a cop were here to see this cheese ass cutting people off with his car." 2. "This fat guy at the party was hogging all of the cheese & crackers. It's easy to see that HE had cheese ass!"

See stupid, idiot, asshole, lame brain, lummox, fool, ignoramus, oaf, doofus, idgit, blockhead, bonehead, dummy, dimwit, dope, dork, dunce, imbecile, jerk, moron, nitwit, fuckhead, shit-for-brains, simpleton, twit, jackass, mook, shitball, brainless, chubby, fat, fleshy, heavy, overweight, fat ass, plump, pudgy, elephant, obese, globus


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