Cheezy Hippo

What is Cheezy Hippo?


a hippo that is very very very very very cheezy and eats bananas, someone who is cheezy or not funny in the least. a person who thinks that they are funny and laughs at their own jokes, a loser

omg! he is such a frickiiiiiin cheezy hippo, he tells us jokes about llamas and everybody knows that alpacas are funnier

See cheezy, hippo, llama, alpaca, funny, cheese, jokes


a hippo that is very very very very very cheezy and eats bananas, someone who is cheezy or not funny in the least. a person who thinks that they are funny and laughs at their own jokes, a loser

omg! he is such a frickiiiiiin cheezy hippo, he tells us jokes about llamas and everybody knows that alpacas are funnier

See cheezy, hippo, llama, alpaca, funny, cheese, jokes


a hippo that is very very very very very cheezy and eats bananas, someone who is cheezy or not funny in the least. a person who thinks that they are funny and laughs at their own jokes, a loser

omg! he is such a frickiiiiiin cheezy hippo, he tells us jokes about llamas and everybody knows that alpacas are funnier

See cheezy, hippo, llama, alpaca, funny, cheese, jokes, steve


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