
What is Chelios?


A person you really hate/despise. Someone who is also hard to get rid of.

Used to call someone when ordinary curse words just don't cover it.

Usually located at the end of a sentence.

Used to spice up conversations. Used to replace some words that you have previously said and don't want to make yourself look like an idiot.

Has a sort of Spanish ring to it, may be used to make people think you know some spanish.

Originated from the movie Crank 2. Often times the bad guys would yell out Chelios name, mostly in hate/disgust. Chev Chelios being the main character in the movie. After hearing it a few times in the movie, it starts to feel more like a curse word then the characters name.

You fucking Chelios!

You're dead Chelios.

Fuck you Chelios.

Bitch ass Chelios

You fucker.

You Chelios.

You: What's up, Chelios

Friend: Huh what?

See Chev Chelios in Crank 2: High Voltage

See fucker, cocksucker, crank, bitch, faggot, cunt, jew, garbage, nothing, nobody, pest, nuisance, insect


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