
What is Chelmsford?


A small suburbanAmerican town. Typically 99% of the adolescent population takes drugs or drinks alchohol heavily everyday and graduates to go on to school at UMass Amherst. An alarming number of SUVs, denoting the stupidity of the town's adult population.

The prime location of it being near Route 3, Route 3A, I-495, Route 4, and others mean more people than should live here keep moving in, and jerks keep selling forestland to make new crappy developments for these jerks to live in.

Refered to in slang as the 'Cho', with different prefixes indicating geographical areas; NoCho = North Chelsmford, SoCho = South Chelmsford, and so on. (EaCho, WeCho, CenCho)

Also and firstmost, a town in the UK.

Dood, hanging out in Chelmsford sucks, all they ever do is get high or get trashed.. Or both.


Suburb of Boston. Population about 40,000. Small cute New England town that is charming to drive through, relaxing to visit, and mind-numbing to live in. People here don't pronounce thier "r"'s

I love the foliage here in Chelmsford and it's convient location 30 miles from Boston, but damn if I see another maroon wearing, AE doning, white CHS student.


A small town 30 miles from Boston, that no one has heard about unless they lived here, or have a friend from here. There's nothing to do on the weekends, kids think its cool to hang out at Stop & Shop.

Unless you live in the center of the town, it takes twenty minutes to get from one place to another. And our rotary changed from a simple circle to a messed up square.

There's nothing to do but get wasted or high, and if you want drugs, just walk across the street, because you're neighbor is probably dealing them.

If you're a football player, then you're set for life in this town, you become the hero, and get out of speeding tickets and possession of drugs.

Kid 1: Where do you live?

Kid 2: I live in a town with out a movie theatre, but it has two CVS', a Wal*Mart, and has nothing to do.

Kid 1: So, you live in Chelmsford?

See the cho, nocho, the boonies


One of the most boring town to grow up in, its o.k. till you are like 10, then you're like... THIS SUCKS!!! but your parents like it... so you have to stay...

Chelmsford has good schools, you'll go to college, then come back and be nothing like me... Don't you have town spirit?


a small dreary south east english town in essex that is surpringly catholic. it has what the locals call a river! the chelmer, not a river as such more like a trickle of is a very clean town however and the people couldnt care less. when the british media is bored or run out of zenophopic crap to say about france they normally turn on essex which is all bullshit. essex is not full of slags white vans or chavs it has the best chippies in the world and the best fish i have ever tasted and im irish!. the park is absolutley glorious and very well looked after, the town is a bit too flowery for normal tastes but at least its not a grey tower block estate. and it has had the hottest weather i have ever seen 96 degrees plus. the bars are cool and very safe and the people are nice but the drink is stinkin.

wanna go to chelmsford for a holiday?

na mate, its shite theres fuck all in it.

See essex, england, chav, white, van


Large town located in the South East of England. Built beside the river Chelmer in 1199 A.D.

Also a town in Massachusetts which was established in 1655.

I live in Chelmsford, UK


A place with a high percentage of french people, rednecks and mullets. A place where people ride Venturas and can purchase NKG spark plugs.

I met a guy with a wikkid mullet, had a major french accent and go figure, he was lookin' to buy NKG's !!! Musta been from Chelmsford !!!

See valley, frenchy, dorkville, redneck


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