Chelsea Headhunters

What is Chelsea Headhunters?


The Chelsea Headhunters is the Firm of Chelsea FC. Chelsea FC being the English football team (or soccer for all you Americans out there) whose stadium Stanford Bridge is situated down the road from the Fulham Broadway station in London. A 'naughty' lil firm who once had a great reputation competeing with the likes of West Ham's ICF(Inter-City Firm) and Tottenham's Yid Army. Like all the hooligan firms of the beautiful game their activity has severley decreased with the introduction of better policing in England (and the rest of Britain. Although if you are looking for a scrap just walk into the 'So Bar' opposite Stanford Bridge and sing anti-Chelsea songs. You'll end up truley fucked my son!

"Did you hear bout da Chelsea Headhunters' top man giving a Yid a good kickin'?"

"Yer those Yids are right pricks"

See skinheads, mods, chelsea, football, blues


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