What is Chemical Romance?
A vaccuming romance, that draws you in. Usually one side of the relationship is using the other, and the used is so entwined in the romance that they never confront the user. Term made popular by emo and punk rock bands such as My Chemical Romance and The Used
The Used:
I must have caught something
In the heat of all these dances
I'm a worm with no more chances
And I've lost all doubt
In a chemical romance
"The Used- Take it Away"
Relationship or encounters based mainly on a controlled substance. Popularized by
I'm glad i got out of that chemical romance;
Someones drug addiction
He is trapped in his chemical romance with heroin.
semen/romance explosion/skeet/cum/jizz/etc...
inspired by Brian saying "'My Chemical Romance?' That sounds like a byproduct of masturbation!"
These emo bands need some less whack names... They probably had some chemical romance burning their eyes when they made their names up... I mean for real, Bowling for Soup? What kind of fucked up government program is that?