
What is Chep?


Having gained popularity amongst a small web community in Phoenix, AZ, CHEP came to be a word which described something of despicable quality being "too cheap to afford the 'a'"

What kind of chep drive has the platters crash on its first day of use?


Perhaps the crooked ingrates at the Phoenix web community claim the word, but if u choose to believe, the ancient word was discovered in the Mausoleum of S'jin A'luk... scriptures saying that the word "cheap" was too "chep" to afford the "A".

When sitting around with some friends you say "cheeeeeep" recognizing it as an annoying sound. The whole situation then becomes too chep for words. Chep ^_)^ always remember cheeeeeeep... ^(_^

See chep, turkey, brain, link


Perhaps the crooked ingrates at the Phoenix web community claim the word, but if u choose to believe, the ancient word was discovered in the Mausoleum of S'jin A'luk... scriptures saying that the word "cheap" was too "chep" to afford the "A". Ripley's Believe it or Not!

When sitting around with some friends you say "cheeeeeep" recognizing it as annoying sound. The whole situation then becomes too chep for words. Chep ^_)^ always remember cheeeeeeep... ^(_^

See nirvana, tool, mastodon, metallica, human, hamburgers, matrix, sexy legs, boobs, star wars, kurt cobain


A chep is another word for a "plug". If you want to insult someone you call them a chep. It is not suppose to be to offensive but it should send out the point.

Planeta: Hey marko what's up!

Marko: Planeta you are a chep

See tyler, chep, plug


Chep is nothing, but it's everything.

No example is needed for chep to be explained.


In bulgarian it is a synonym for "kur" , which means penis. It can be used to adress somebody in an insulting way.

Ei chep! - Hey dick.


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