Cherokee High School

What is Cherokee High School?


A crowded school in south Jersey where stoners outnumber alchoholics 3-1 and where the jock mentality is in full effect. South jersey's new title for Cherokee highschool is Stoner High ever since a frosh got arrested for smoking pot at a dance.

25 arrests of cherokee students in 04 for possesion of illegal substances 12 arrests fo under age drinking


The high school where there is absolutly no parking. Where they build a Junior lot that fills by 6:50, and where the cops get tingly feelings by tickiting you for being in the no stopping no standing zones even though there is no other possible parking. The high school that you pull up to a half hour before homeroom starts, and cringe as you realize there is not a single space on either side of the road, and the neigborhood is say a few words of prayer as you pull in front of the no parking no standing sign, hope for the best only to walk out after 13th period to find a $125 ticket placed ever so elegantly under your wiper blades. Cherokee, the school that takes pleasure in using huge orange cones to block off what little parking we do have; the school where you wish your friends would just fail their license tests so they don't hog up your potential parking spaces.

I have received 5 tickets in the past few months for no parking no standing. The announcement made today: "Students, we need to keep a good relation with Brush Hollow, don't park the wrong way...dont park there at all..."

Best example, the HUGE, pointless orange cones.

See Dragon


a south jersey school that rapes its rival shawnee in every sport, the biology teachers are bell ends and a sophmore english teacher and wood teacher often engage in acts of homo sexuality, this is also a school where douche bag parents complain that their worthless children are fat and blame this on the school lunch, as a result the school lunch now sucks starting this year. It is not called herion high either.

Gerard and Daniel were often packing fudge at the Cherokee High School staff meetings.

See chs, cherokee high school, highschool


cherokee high school... you may complain about the parking lots filling by 6:50 but its for good reason, because they all want to be in the best damn school NJ has to offer. you may complain about the scholl having an abundance of occasional drug and alchohal abusers but hey we kno how to party and we sure as hell kno how to have a good time drugs or no drugs.

Did i mention that we ass rape every other rival team in practically every sport. yes we pone you noobs shawnee lenape and seneca.

So dont even complain about the JOCK MENTALITY, when you bust your ass out on the feilds,tracks,and courts then you can share and appreciate that brotherly mentality but until then this is cherokee baby, hate it or love it. but watch out for strange technology teachers mmmmmmmmm. And goofy ass music apretiation teachers,and also english teachers that are bell ends. booyahkasha RESPECT

Cherokee high school kicks ass

See chs, cherokee high school, marlton, nj, high school


A large high school in South Jersey where the teachers (coaches, really) have sex with the students, the loser seniors of '04 pulled a prank that unbelievably made MTV, and the sports teams can not beat their rival, Shawnee High School, at anything, despite valiant efforts. Although commonly referred to as "heroine high," the instances of drug use are highly exaggerated, although burn outs do hang out and smoke pot on the weekends, also turning up drunk at school dances. A genuinely "interesting" place.

Cherokee High School


i go to this school...

ONE: every highschool has drugs. its NOT heroin high.

shawnee is.

TWO: it is crowded but theres a lot of parking left . and if you dont go to this school, dont worry about the parking.

THREE: its not full of just gangsters, most people in most schools have sex, and the football team is amazing, so yeah our egos are high. get over it.

cherokee high school, highschool, marlton, new jersey

See cherokee high school, high school, south jersey, cherokee


my grade school teacher, Sr. Judy Sherpenski, said that CHS is Heroin High.

shes a nun and she rides around in a wheel chair.

"yo lets go get doped up"

"i <3 heroin"


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