Cherry Cream Pie

What is Cherry Cream Pie?


A timely variation of a regular cream pie; The visual impression of a females vulva after completing unprotected intercourse during her monthly menstrual cycle.

Like any true cuckold, Dan loves it when his wife, Mary, comes home and demands he clean up the Cherry Cream Pie that Reggie delivered only moments earlier.

See cream pie, red tide, cuckold, felching, humiliation


When you have sex with a girl on her period. It resembles cream pie.

I gave my mom a cherry cream pie last night.

See sex, cream, cherries, pie, nasty, kinky


When u cum on a chicks face and then u punch her in the nose and blood comes out and u mix that shit together.CHERRY CREAM PIE!

"Man last night i gave this chick a cherry cream pie"

"sick man"

See cherry, cream, pie, dirty sanchez, sex move


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