Cherry Creamsicle

What is Cherry Creamsicle?


after having intercourse with a woman during her menstrual cycle, pull out your now blood-covered penis right before you come. Allow semen to run down the head and shaft, then make her suck it all clean

"I gave that dirty slut a Cherry Creamsicle last night"

"Wow, I didn't know it was that time of the month. Was she pissed?"

"No, she loved it"


See creamsicle, white dragon, donkey punch, cambodian creamsicle


When you are doing a woman on her period you pull out and have her suck your blood covered penis until you cum.

Mah bitch was on the rag last night so I gave her a cherry creamsicle.

See cherry, creamsicle, period, pms, on the rag


When a woman is on her period, a man puts his penis into her vagina, covering it in blood (cherry). He then recieves a blowjob from her and ejaculates into her mouth,(creamsicle)

Bill: I totally gave Mary a cherry creamsicle last night, it was brutal

Fred: Dude, that's really gross, did she like it?

Bill: She had to get another from the freezer if you know what I mean!

See oral sex, sex, filatio, period, cum, ejaculate


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