Cherry Hash

What is Cherry Hash?


Some really, really, really dank weed...


(1)Schwag (costs like nothing),

(2)Heddy's/middies (about 15 dollars for an 8th),

(3)nug (reg) 30 dollars an 8th,

(4)nug (KB) 60 dollars and 8th

(5)White widow (30 dollars a gram), purple/orange haze's, chem dawg, THEN, CHERRY KUSH

All above are 30 dollars a gram (3.5 grams in an 8th)

That's how dank it is.. Chem dawg and cherry kush are basically just other forms of white widow though..

CHerry kush having redish hairs, and having someone stoned out of their mind for long periods of time (10x as strong as usual when smoked in larger ammounts)

Then Sour Diesel is more organgish and hits you very quickly and gets you stoned out of your mind..

Usually costing about 30 dollars per gram.

Holy Cherry Hash gjfdkak


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